Every January I never hold my breath because Google always does something huge . This 2013 I'm glad I was prepared for the big 'thing' because Google has just updated their Panda Algorithm. I can almost hear the moans and the questions, 'say wha?, wasn't the latest one called Penguin?' The Penguin Algorithm Yes the latest algorithm launched in early 2012 is called Penguin and this algorithm checked websites for quality content. What is quality content? Let's put it this way, if you are too lazy to provide well written and well thought out content for your website, it is highly unlikely that your website is on the first page of anything. But if you took the time to really think about how you want your products/services and company presented then your website is probably effective and earning its keep. Because we develop websites against algorithms I was actually able to see just how effective a quality content site ranked compared to a website with ...