I was in a meeting recently and the client asked me a question that made me think of how people perceived us, SEO Professionals. He asked, "Do you guys [meaning SEO Professionals] try to cheat the Google algorithm?" So it made me realized that perhaps some people perceived us in the wrong light. No, we don't try to "cheat" search engine results. In fact, we try our best to work within Google's guidelines. The more information that an SEO has, the better equipped, he or she has in understanding what to do to help your website increase rank. I chanced upon this article SEO: A force of Good from Search Engine Watch and wanted to add some important aspects of what we do to ensure your website is "Google Friendly" In the same article was this video of Matt Cutts (a Google Engineer)... here he explains the role of an SEO in helping them [Google] understand where to properly categorize your website. Because we are a pioneer of building websites...