The Food Games Poster I am about to write a book called, The Food Games. (Will possibly get The Food Network to 'Sponsor') This is a story about the future of humanity. Sometime in the future, the US is going to be divided into 12 districts. It will probably come about because of some stupid war. Each district represents a race. ie. district 11 is all black, district 8 is all asians (because I'm asian and my favorite number is 8). There will be two representatives from each district that will be picked randomly. Of course, unlike the Hunger Games, everyone will want to volunteer because its an eat all you can contest. Anyway the plot line is that the Asian girl from district 8 out-eats all the other participants. Everyone is surprised because she's so skinny. There will be a short flashback to a part of her childhood when she was a voracious eater. That should explain her awesome eating skills. And that is en...